Key Information
Learning Through Activities
In Hong Wen School, students learn Mathematical concepts and skills through the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach. Through hands-on activities and the use of manipulatives, students are able to see abstract mathematical concepts in concrete and pictorial form, which leads to deeper conceptual understanding of the Mathematical concepts and skills taught. Opportunities are also provided for students to build their reasoning and communication skills in class, whether it is through in-class participation or individual journaling tasks.
Factual Fluency
Our students go through daily exercises to build their factual fluency, including but not limited to their number bonds from 1 to 20, and multiplication facts. Having good factual fluency builds students’ confidence and contributes to their ability to solve mathematical problems.
P5 Mathaquarium
The objective of the programme is for all Primary 5 students to work in groups and to express their creativity and innovative thinking through game design. Students have to come out with their own game concept and infuse Mathematics in the games. On Mathaquarium Day, all projects are exhibited for the rest of the school to enjoy playing and learning.
Useful Links
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