Character & Citizenship Education
Mdm Diana Ng (HOD / CCE) Mdm Ruby (SH/CCE) |
National Education and Social Studies Sub-committee |
CCE Lessons Sub-committee |
Values-In-Action (VIA) Sub-committee |
Guidance Sub-committee |
Mr Lim Beng Hee Mdm Siti Nur Kamaliah Mr Bryan Mai Mr Victor Lim |
Mr Chua Chun Hua Ms Yeo Seow Huey Ms Lo Meiling Mdm Foo Hwa Kin Mdm Luo Senyuan
Ms Jermaine Tan Mr Jason Tan Mrs Ling In Kee Mrs Chua Siew Lay Mrs Sylvia Quek Ms Koh Yan Li |
Mdm Teo Gek Hong Mdm Joycelyn Tan Ms Irene Choong Mrs Woon – Kow Bi Xia
Key Information
Hong Wen School places strong emphasis on Character and Citizenship Education (CCE), which aims to inculcate values and build competencies in our pupils to develop them to be good individuals and useful citizens.
CCE Vision
Every Hong Wen pupil is a person of good character who loves Singapore.
CCE Guiding Principles
1. National Education (NE)
National Education is part of a holistic education. It aims to develop national cohesion, cultivate the instinct for survival as a nation and instill in our students, confidence in our nation’s future. It also emphasises on cultivating a sense of belonging and emotional rootedness to Singapore.
4 main NE commemorative events:
Total Defence Day
International Friendship Day
Racial Harmony Day
National Day
Main programmes:
Cohort Learning Journeys (CLJs)
Total Defence Day
Total Defence Day (TDD) marks the day Singapore was surrendered to the Japanese in 1942 and serves to remind us that we must not take our safety and security lightly.
Singapore has remained safe and peaceful over the years because of the efforts of all Singaporeans. This is essentially Total Defence. Total Defence remains relevant because the threats faced today require all Singaporeans to step up and play their part. Our youths are encouraged to put Total Defence into action in their daily lives by reaching out to one another, forging new relationships and strengthening existing ones to keep Singapore strong and resilient because our greatest strength lies in the unity and resilience of our people.
Recess Activities – Porridge Rationing and Activity Stations
International Friendship Day
This is a day dedicated to the understanding of Singapore’s relations with its neighbours, and aims to nurture in students the spirit of friendship and collaboration among different people.
Assembly Programme for International Friendship Day
Recess Activities for International Friendship Day
Racial Harmony Day
Schools commemorate Racial Harmony Day on 21st July. On this day in 1964, Singapore saw racial riots. Racial Harmony Day serves to remind our pupils that social division costs us dearly and that race and religion are potential fault-lines in Singapore society. It is a day for schools to reflect on, and celebrate our success as a harmonious nation and society built on a rich diversity of cultures and heritages.
Students should learn to make friends with people of other races and religions and not make fun of people who are different. Students should also learn that in Singapore, people are treated equally regardless of their race and religion and they should also do the same. Students should appreciate the different cultures that make up Singapore.
Henna Activity on Racial Harmony Day
Students learning about Kompang
National Day
National Day marks our Separation from Malaysia, and our emergence as an independent country in the community of nations. Since 1998, a National Day Ceremony was introduced in schools. This Ceremony aims to bring to the students a greater sense of the historical importance and solemnity of National Day. Schools conduct a 15-minute National Day Ceremony which is more formal than the festivities that schools usually organise.
2a. Values Education (VE)
Values are the foundation of CCE. School Leaders take the lead in emphasizing values during Assemblies. The Monthly Focal Value Programme aims to build the character of students by purposefully instilling our school values through the highlighting of the behavioural indicators of each value. Good role models are highlighted during assembly at the end of each month.
2b. Education and Career Guidance (ECG)
Pupils learn about different jobs in our employment landscape so that they learn good values in the world of work. Pupils also explore Educational Pathways in Singapore which will guide them in choice of post-primary education. Parents are invited to share about their work during our ECG Day.
2c. Financial Literacy (Fin Lit)
Through our Fin Lit programme, pupils learn the differences between Needs and Wants, how to make wise spending choices and benefits of savings.
2d. Sexuality Education (SEd)
SEd enables students to understand the physiological, social and emotional changes they experience as they mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships including those with members of the opposite sex, and make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters. Click here for more information on Hong Wen School’s SEd programme.
Character-Based Discipline
Discipline guides pupils in the internalisation of values and behaviours, so that they can learn and grow. Pupils also learn to take responsibility for their actions and work towards the goal of self-discipline.
4a. CCE (MTL) Lessons
Pupils learn values, knowledge and skills through CCE(MTL) Lessons conducted in Chinese. Di Zi Gui is also infused in our CCE Lessons Curriculum. Pupils learn the importance of contributing to the community through our annual CNY Hong Bao Donation Drive.
4b. Form Teacher Guidance Periods (CCE(FTGP))
During (CCE(FTGP)), Form Teachers conduct lessons and engage pupils through One-to-One Interaction so as to strengthen Teacher-Student Relationship and guide pupils in the development of their Social and Emotional Competencies.
4c. Values-In-Action (VIA)
Values-In-Action (VIA) is a learning experience in Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) that enhances students’ development as socially responsible citizens through ownership of their contribution to the community.
4d. Infusion of CCE
CCE is also infused in all IP subjects English, Mathematics, Science and Chinese through daily lessons. CCE is also infused in Physical Education, Co-Curricular Activities, Programme for Active Learning, Chinese Cultural Programme, Environment Programme and Aesthetics.
Rewards and Recognition
Pupils who display good behaviours consistently are eligible for the following awards:
Model Pupil Award (Primary 6 only)
Edusave Character Award (ECHA) (Singaporean Citizens only)
Hong Wen Model STAR Pupil Award
Hong Wen STAR Pupil Award
*Note: All photos shown here were taken during pre-Covid times.