Principal’s Message

Hong Wen School, founded in 1920, is a school with more than 100 years of history and continues to grow and flourish. It offers a distinctive education with emphasis placed on Chinese culture and heritage. Our mission of nurturing our students to be leaders of upright character and rooted in the Chinese culture guides us in our purpose of educating a Hong Wen student. We are guided by our school motto of Honesty, Perseverance, Diligence and Thrift, virtues that we want all our students to have. In educating our next generations of learners to have upright character, our students must possess the strong moral compass and live out the school's values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Compassion and Excellence in their every day lives. In an ever changing and uncertain world, these values become even more important as they guide a person to continue to do the right things in the uncertain and volatile environment. While we anchored our students in strong values and Chinese heritage, we are mindful of the need to educate our students in managing and taking responsibility in the technological world, and to have the competencies, such as critical and inventive thinking, and communication skills to help them leap forward. The Hong Wen education is one that encompasses the five domains of 德、智、体、群、美 where through activities and programmes, we strive to build the character of our students in body and mind. Through the acquisition of knowledge, our students do their best and learn to work in teams. It takes a village to raise a child. Hong Wen School alone cannot do all these without the support of our School Management Committee, our School Alumni, our Parents and all partners in education. I firmly believe that Hong Wen will continue to shine with the strong support of everyone in the second century of its history. Mrs Theresa Hong Principal
宏文学校创建于1920年,是一所拥有超过百年历史的学校。我校一直以传承和发扬华族文化为使命,注重培养学生成为拥有正直品德与扎根于华族文化的领导。我们相信每个孩子都能行善,成为一位模范的宏文学生,为校争光。“诚、毅、勤、俭”是我们的校训,也是我们希望所有学生都拥有的美德。 若要教育我们的下一代具有正直的品德,他们必须先拥有正确的道德价值观。因此,我们也会时刻提醒学生在日常生活中实践学校所灌输的价值观-“尊重、尽责、坚韧、正直、关爱和卓越。”在多变和未知的将来,这些价值观变得格外重要,因为它们将指导一个人在不确定和多变的环境中继续做正确的事。 此外,我们也意识到教育必须与时并进。学生得掌握先进的科技知识,并具备批判性和创造性思维、有效的沟通技巧等能力,帮助他们应付未知的将来。 宏文教育是涵盖德、智、体、群、美5个领域的教育,通过各种活动,让学生的身心都得到健康的发展。学生也会学习如何与伙伴合作,培养他们的团队精神。 培育下一代任重道远,还需靠多方面的配合,宏文学校若没得到管理委员会、校友、家长和其他教育合作伙伴的支持,肯定无法独自取得今日的成就。 我坚信宏文学校在各方的大力支持下,将在迈向第二个世纪的道路上继续绽放光芒。